by AJ Gyomber | Apr 3, 2019 | Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows News & Tips, Productivity, Tech Tips
One of the great collaborative tools that Microsoft brought out at the end of 2016 to enhance their popular Office 365 platform is Microsoft Teams, a digital hub for teamwork, communication, and so much more. Team collaboration and mobility have gained in importance...
by AJ Gyomber | Mar 27, 2019 | Productivity, Tech Tips
You’re putting in a new high-tech conference room that’s really going to wow your clients but handling all the different vendors you’ll need to complete it is taking more time than you envisioned. There’s your internet service provider to call to get another access...
by AJ Gyomber | Mar 20, 2019 | (Tech) Security, Security, Security – News and General, Tech Tips
When electronic mail (aka: email) was first widely introduced back in the 1990s, it completely revolutionized the way we communicate. Now, instead of waiting days for letters, we could send information instantly across long distances. Fast forward to 2019, and email...
by AJ Gyomber | Mar 13, 2019 | Microsoft Office, Tech Tips
In our work providing effective cloud-services to small and medium-sized New Jersey businesses, we often find they have been missing out on several advantages of one little gem in the Office 365 suite. Companies typically make the move to Office 365 for the core...
by AJ Gyomber | Mar 6, 2019 | Business, Business Continuity, Business Productivity, Business Value, Uncategorized
Have you ever been working to meet a deadline and suddenly just when you need it to go faster, your computer slows way down? It’s frustrating to be hit with IT issues out of the blue that can mean a missed client deadline or costly downtime. Unmonitored computers can...
by AJ Gyomber | Feb 27, 2019 | Tech Tips
The evolution of paper files to digital ones has offered a number of improvements for businesses, including using less paper, being able to find documents faster, and not needing entire rooms full of filing cabinets. But with exponentially more digital files being...
by AJ Gyomber | Feb 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Downtime is a dirty word when it comes to business. This means regular operations are disrupted and, in turn, businesses in New Jersey lose money. According to research and advisory company Gartner, the cost of network downtime is an average of $5,600 per minute...
by AJ Gyomber | Feb 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
Out of 1,000 American employees, 91 percent said their bosses lacked communication skills. That was the result of the 2015 Interact/Harris Poll. Other manager-related issues that these participants aired during the poll were lack of emotional intelligence,...
by AJ Gyomber | Feb 20, 2019 | Tech Trends and Tips, Virtualization General
Virtualization sounds as if it’s something that makes the Holodeck on the Star Trek Enterprise happen. But this trending technology is actually about moving static technology resources into a fluid, internet-based environment. Think of how you’ve always been tied to a...
by AJ Gyomber | Feb 13, 2019 | Cloud Trends, Tech Tips
In the technology world, just a few years back can seem like ancient history. Tech evolves so fast that yesterday’s “cool new thing” is now being reimagined into something else. One technology that’s been changing the way we think about our computers and software...