When Microsoft does something new, it typically goes big.
When cloud computing was still being looked at as a possible fad in 2011, Microsoft brought out Office 365 to evolve their popular Office programs into the virtual world, and just 8 years later, it’s the biggest cloud platform on the planet by user count.
What’s interesting is that it looks like Microsoft was reading the tea leaves so to speak. A 2009 IBM study found that 33% of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) considered using the cloud in the future, then in 2011, that number shot up to 60%. Now, in 2019, 90% of companies are using at least one-cloud based solution.
So, what’s Microsoft’s next big thing?
On September 30, 2019 they launched Windows Virtual Desktop worldwide, which takes the next step to a completely virtual office. Rather than relying on a physical desktop or laptop, your “computer” is now in the cloud and accessible from anywhere.
Does this mean that offices are about to ditch their traditional hardware based operating systems and storage and instead move to a completely virtual desktop experience? Well, if it goes anything like cloud adoption, the answer would be yes.
What’s the Windows Virtual Desktop?
Virtual desktops allow you to basically take your PC with you anywhere without needing to carry around a computer.
If you’re like many people and work on documents both at work and at home, you’ve probably had to email yourself files or grab them from a cloud storage platform to move them back and forth between computers. But with a virtual desktop, you have all your files, software, settings and entire hard drive available from anywhere.
The operating system, files, folders, and everything that’s on your computer hard drive is stored virtually on a cloud server, so you can use any computer or mobile device to access it and basically be at your “main computer” no matter where you are.
While there are other virtual desktops out there, the fact that Windows has gone virtual will likely increase the adoption rate. And being Microsoft, theirs is the only platform that can deliver a multi-session Windows 10 virtual desktop environment.
Windows Virtual Desktop Features
The ability to host all your computers virtually has many cost saving and other advantages for businesses. These include:
- Ability to use a remote workforce
- Easier patch and update management
- Desktops are protected in the event of physical damage or theft of a device
- Onboarding new employees is made easier
- Cost of hardware is decreased because they’re only used as an access point
Here’s what Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer your business in the area of features and benefits.
Enable Optimizations for Office 365 Pro Plus
With Windows Virtual Desktop as the base, you can deploy a more robust and productive Office 365 Pro Plus experience that allows for virtualization. Office 365 ProPlus brings with it exclusive intelligent capabilities, like Ideas in Excel and Researcher in Word, real-time collaboration, and advanced security features.
Built-in Security & Compliance Features
You won’t have to worry as much about device security because Windows Virtual Desktop has security features built in. Compliance is made easier because the platform is designed to follow IT security best practices and prevent your data from being compromised.
Deploy & Scale in Minutes
Pay only for the number of users you need at any time (no more expensive computers going unused). Deployment of new virtual desktops can be done in minutes and you can easily have one ready for a new employee.
For example, you could save a virtual desktop setting that had all the proper applications and folder permissions for those in your HR department and a completely different desktop virtualization for those in your sales department. So, whenever you bring on a new employee, their virtual workstation is all ready to go in just a few clicks.
Get More Time to Upgrade to Windows 10
Does your company need more time past the January 14, 2020 Windows 7 end of life (EOL) date to upgrade? Using Windows Virtual Desktop, you can still load in Windows 7 and get free Extended Security Updates (ESU) until January 2023. This means you’ll have more time to transition to Windows 10 and won’t have to worry about your devices being unsecure or out of compliance.
Flexible Migration for Remote Desktop Services
You can lower your costs for your Windows Server desktops and apps while at the same time optimizing your cloud experience. You’ll get all the resources you need with Windows Virtual Desktop to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure to Azure at your own pace.
Learn More About Using Windows Virtual Desktops at Your Office
Does the thought of virtualizing your computers both excite and scare you a little? Technology Visionaries can help clarify any questions and show you exactly what you can expect from a virtual desktop experience with Windows.
Schedule a complimentary Windows Virtual Desktop consultation today by calling 732-587-5960 or using our contact form.